
《8视界新闻网》提供最全面的中文新闻报道,聚焦新加坡及全球热点和社会话题,带你了解新加坡、东南亚、中港台和国际时事。点击浏览8worldNews,查阅今日新加坡及全球 ...,242位粉絲、44人追蹤中、2則貼文-Instagram上的MediacorpChannel8(@channel8sg):「Singapore」,Thechannelreachesawhopping1.6millionpeopleweeklywhichensuresthatyourbrand'smessagewillengagealargeshareofthegrowingChinesecommunity.,Watchyourfavo...

8world: 8视界

《8视界新闻网》提供最全面的中文新闻报道,聚焦新加坡及全球热点和社会话题,带你了解新加坡、东南亚、中港台和国际时事。点击浏览8world News,查阅今日新加坡及全球 ...

Mediacorp Channel 8(@channel8sg)• Instagram 相片與影片

242 位粉絲、 44 人追蹤中、 2 則貼文- Instagram 上的Mediacorp Channel 8 (@channel8sg):「 Singapore 」

Channel 8

The channel reaches a whopping 1.6 million people weekly which ensures that your brand's message will engage a large share of the growing Chinese community.

Channel 8

Watch your favourite Channel 8 TV shows and other Chinese dramas, comedy, movies, entertainment videos and more on meWATCH. Stream anytime on your mobile, ...

Mediacorp Drama

Can his friends help him find hope again? | I Believe I Can Fly | Drama Moments We Love. Mediacorp Drama. 130 views. 6 hours ago.


热线/ WhatsApp:8838 3188 电邮: [email protected] 网址: www.8world ... stories 首播:每逢星期四10.30pm 8频道重播:星期六11.30am 星期一10.30am 8频道.

Mediacorp Channel 8 (@ch8sg) X

Most Watched Chinese TV Channel in SG Official FB: Official IG:


新傳媒8頻道(英文:MediaCorp Channel 8),又叫做「第八波道」,係新傳媒私人有限公司旗下嘅一個華語綜合娛樂電視頻道,亦係新加坡首個以華語廣播為主嘅電視頻道。


新傳媒8頻道(英語:MediaCorp Channel 8),舊稱「第八波道」,是新傳媒私人有限公司旗下電視部擁有的一個華語綜合娛樂頻道,亦是新加坡以華語廣播為主的首個電視頻道。